Senin, 21 Februari 2011

There’s only one YOU

Suatu saat, waktu iseng-iseng surfing internet di tengah cari bahan tugas kuliah, saya pernah nyasar ke [ga tau orang pinter dari mana yang bisa bikin analisis kepribadian se-keren itu, perlu dicari tau nih kayaknya...]. Jadi teringat jaman-jaman akhir SMA dulu sempat pengeen...banget ambil jurusan psycology. Alhamdulillah nyangkut-nya justru ke gizi. Alhamdulillah...Alhamdulillah... Tapi obsesi ke-psycology-an itu ternyata masih ada, bahkan sampai sekarang. Hahaha... always interested in investigating people. ^_^
Yang dijabarkan panjang-lebar di sana, mereka menggolongkan kepribadian orang sebagai berikut: [saya tulis dengan bhs aslinya saja drpd diterjemahin tapi ngaco!]
  • Extraverted or Introverted, fokus pada dunia di luar atau di dalam dirinya
  • Sensing or iNtuition, menggambarkan bagaimana seseorang memproses data, secara konkret atau abstrak
  • Thinking or Feeling, menggambarkan bagaimana seseorang membuat keputusan, secara obyektif dengan mempertimbangkan data dan fakta atau secara subyektif berdasarkan prinsip dan nilai
  • Judging or Perceiving, terencana dan berpikir sekuensial atau cenderung spontan dan random

Pernah baca buku juga yang membahas tentang pola pikir, penulisnya Baban Sarbana, orang Indonesia, tapi beliau hanya menggolongkan orang dalam 4 macam pola pikir (Random-Abstrak, Random Konkret, Sekuensial-Abstrak, dan Sekuensial-Konkret). Singkatnya, variasinya gag sebanyak yang dari My Personality ituu...
Nah...kalau di My Personality itu, bila 8 macam kecenderungan itu dikombinasikan akan jadi 16 tipe kepribadian sebagai berikut:

1. ENFJ (Mentor)
ENFJs are externally focused, introspective, altruistic, positive and have excellent people skills. They place utmost importance on helping others grow. They are warm and have a natural desire to be supportive and encouraging. Being charismatic and possessing excellent language skills, they do well in leadership roles. ENFJs strive to enhance the lives of their human brethren.

2. ENFP (Advocate)
ENFPs are introspective, values-oriented, inspiring, social and extremely expressive. They actively send their thoughts and ideas out into the world as a way to bring attention to what they feel to be important, which often has to do with ethics and current events. ENFPs are natural advocates, attracting people to themselves and their cause with excellent people skills, warmth, energy and positivity. ENFPs are described as creative, resourceful, assertive, spontaneous, life-loving, charismatic, passionate and experimental.

3. ENTJ (Chief)
ENTJs are strategic, organized and possess natural leadership qualities. They are master coordinators that can effectively give direction to groups. They are able to understand complicated organizational situations and quick to develop intelligent solutions. ENTJs are outspoken and will not hesitate to speak of their plans for improvement. They are decisive and value knowledge, efficiency and competence.

4. ENTP (Originator)
ENTPs are logical, innovative, curious and downright inventive. They see possibilities for improvement everywhere and possess the ability to understand complex concepts. ENTPs are introspective and carefree nonconformists. They often neglect the more common areas of life while pursuing new solutions. ENTPs can be good conversationalists and exciting company.

5. ESFJ (Supporter)
ESFJs are social butterflies that value relationships, supporting and nurturing others. Never one to shy away from social events, they are often the host. They are great encouragers of teamwork. ESFJs are responsible, dutiful, observe traditions and follow rules. ESFJs have a deep concern for others and often end up as caretakers. They are sensitive to criticism and have a need to be appreciated for the good they do for others. ESFJs are understanding, generous, have a quick wit and a knack for composition and beautification.

6. ESFP (Entertainer)
ESFPs are cooperative, "here and now" people-persons that enjoy excitement and love new adventures. Because of their highly social nature, they are especially lively when they are the center of attention and hate being alone. ESFPs have a practical side that allows them to finish work efficiently and are often good problem solvers.

7. ESTJ (Overseer)
ESTJs are responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They are decisive, loyal, tradition observing individuals. They enjoy being the person in charge and often make good supervisors.

8. ESTP (Persuader)
ESTPs are action-loving, "here and now" realists with excellent people skills. Informal, risk-taking, fast-paced and adaptable, they are not always in agreeance with rules and regulations. They are tactical problem solvers that desire quick results. ESTPs, who present a friendly and enthusiastic face, are straightshooters that are able to handle criticism.

9. INFJ (Confidant)
INFJs, making up an estimated 1% of all people, are the most rare type (males even more so). They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. INFJs are highly intuitive, empathetic and dedicated listeners. These traits tend to act as a "tell me what's wrong" sign on their forehead, hence the nicknames Confidant, Counselor or Empath. INFJs are intensely private and deeply committed to their beliefs.

10. INFP (Dreamer)
INFPs are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. Empathetic and compassionate, they want to help others and humanity as a whole. INFPs are imaginative, artistic and often have a talent for language and writing. They can also be described as easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal.

11. INTJ (Strategist)
INTJs are introspective, analytical, determined persons with natural leadership ability. Being reserved, they prefer to stay in the background while leading. Strategic, knowledgable and adaptable, INTJs are talented in bringing ideas from conception to reality. They expect perfection from themselves as well as others and are comfortable with the leadership of another so long as they are competent. INTJs can also be described as decisive, open-minded, self-confident, attentive, theoretical and pragmatic.

12. INTP (Engineer)
INTPs are logical, individualistic, reserved, and very curious individuals. They focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work. They are especially adept at discussions and debate. They have the ability to focus intently on a subject. They appreciate and respect intelligence in others.

13. ISFJ (Defender)
ISFJs are traditional, loyal, quiet and kind. They are very sensitive to other people's needs because they are very observant. They have rich inner thoughts and emotions. They value stability and cultural norms. They are very adept at giving attention to detail. They do not seek positions of authority.

14. ISFP (Artist)
ISFPs are artistic, creative, loyal and sensitive. They have a keen appreciation for beauty because of their highly developed senses. They are easy to get along with and live in the "here and now". ISFPs are adaptable, caring, independent and like to contribute to the well-being of others. They are typically hard to get to know.

15. ISTJ (Examiner)
ISTJs are responsible, loyal and hard working. They have an acute sense of right and wrong and work hard at preserving established norms and traditions. Because of their deep sense of duty they are dedicated to everything they do and are very dependable. ISTJs care deeply for those closest to them.

16. ISTP (Craftsman)
ISTPs are adventurous and independent. They like to figure out how things work. They have great mechanical and technical skills. They live in the "here and now" which makes them adaptable and spontaneous. They like to keep busy and are action-oriented. ISTPs thrive on new and exciting situations.

Manusia itu unik, tidak akan ada seorang pun (insyaAllah) yang sama persis dengan diri kita. Belajar dari manusia tidak akan ada habisnya. Setiap orang punya kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, yang itu bukan berarti akan menambah atau mengurangi nilai diri kita, katanya Mario Teguh di Golden Ways-nya.
Muslim yang satu adalah cermin bagi yang lain (ini dibahas juga di salah satu bukunya Salim A. Fillah, penulis favorit saya itu...^^). Jadi menurut beliau...dalam hubungan-hubungan yang kita jalin di kehidupan, setiap orang adalah guru bagi kita. Siapa pun mereka, baik atau jahat. Muslim yang satu adalah cermin bagi yang lain, itu benar. Saat bayangan yang ada di cermin itu buram atau tidak patut, maka yang diperbaiki adalah yang bercermin, barulah bayangannya akan turut. Itu kalau buram... Kalau ternyata cerminnya terbukti lebih baik, adalah saat kita untuk memandang bayangannya dengan tatapan cinta, yang tak hanya takjub tapi juga mengejar ketertinggalan atau selisih nilai. (Dalam Dekapan Ukhuwah, hal.81-91)

Wallahu a'lam
segala kebenaran dan hikmah dari Allah, yang salah-salah murni dari saya yang asal comat-comot. maaf untuk nama-nama di atas yang disebut tanpa ijin ^^

kalau pengen tau lebih lengkapnya 'n nyoba tes termasuk kepribadian manakah anda, langsung aja klik

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